“Every child is innately wise and capable. It is our responsibility to encourage and support the ability of the child to access this inner knowledge.”
Social-Emotional Coaching at Inner Wisdom Kids.
Inner Wisdom believes that all individuals have the capability to discover their emotional world through curiosity and exploration. This journey of growth and development begins where the individual currently is and uses their strengths to develop tools and strategies to use in all facets of their human life.
The foundation of discovery and growth begins by providing a space in which the individual feels supported. It within this space that the individual becomes more willing to take risks in their ability to independently self-advocate and express their needs emotionally, physically, and academically.
When individuals engage in social-emotional coaching through Inner Wisdom they learn to identify their emotional state through sensations, thoughts, and physical behaviors. This awareness is strengthened through a multimodal approach of learning so that sessions are fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate for the individual or group.
Because each individual is unique in their strengths and needs we feel it is important to develop lessons specifically for that child. Just like learning is not linear, neither are our lessons. Our approach is meant to be flexible so that we can meet and serve the individual where they are at in that moment.
Inner Wisdom believes that individuals are most successful when new skills can be supported in all environments of the child’s life. Collaboration and consultation are the basis of ensuring that this can happen through consistent and predictable prompts and language use in all settings.
When individuals develop skills in their social-emotional world, academics, social interactions, and self-esteem are all impacted in positive ways. The goal is always to expand the capacity in which the child moves through the world as well as the manner in which the child sees themselves as capable and unique human beings.
I am Brenda Meyer, the founder of Inner Wisdom Kids. I have been a school counselor for the past 15 years with a MS and PPS in School Psychology and Marriage Family Therapy. I have been blessed with working in a full inclusion school where the foundation of all students success lay in the development and use of social emotional skills. It was in this environment that I developed my passion for helping all students learn to manage their difficult emotions and discover their inner resources to grow into strong confident and competent learners and members of the community.
I believe that social emotional growth is:
Unique to each individual.
Is non-linear and a lifelong process.
That all children regardless of their abilities should have access to SEL support.
That every child has the capacity to access their inner knowledge with guidance.
That behaviors are often an indicator of an inability to manage strong emotions.
Emotions are normal part of being human.
That emotional regulation is tied to the child’s ability to connect to adults and peers for cues of safety and understanding of the world around them.
Background and Specialties:
Certification training in Mindfulness
Certified Instructor PEERS- Making and Maintaining Friendships
Neurodevelopment Certification
15 years of experience teaching and individualizing SEL support in the classroom, individual and group sessions, and collaboration with teachers, parents, and support staff.
Broad knowledge and experience with Autism, Learning Disorders, ADHD, Augmentitive Communication and more.
Positive Behavior Support, Trauma informed Practices, CBT, Social Skills, Growth Mindset.
Knowledge of IEP’s, goals, SST’s, 504’s, FBA’s and other school based systems for social emotional and behavior support.
Throughout my many years working as a school counselor, I have had the opportunity to work with a wide range of students, staff and support services in developing practices, strategies and tools to support all students’ ability to manage their social and emotional states throughout their school day. I continue to expand my own knowledge and understanding of how human beings process the world through our bodies and its role in supporting emotional intelligence and self regulation. This deeper understanding of internal states (nervous system, sensations, thoughts, and other sensory organs) provides valuable information to help develop and support an individual’s process of connecting to their inner sensations, feelings, and dialogue that our body offers to help us connect to the outside world. Because each individual is unique and special in the way the process and move through their environments I believe I will never be done learning and growing.
“All humans have the ability to connect to their feelings and manage them in healthy ways.”